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Writer's pictureAndre Buren

Going Fast & Slow

"The world is changing very fast. Big will not beat small anymore. It will be the fast beating the slow." - Satya Nadella


As a CTO, mastering the art of balancing speed and reflection is paramount to staying ahead in the ever-evolving tech industry.

In this chapter, you will explore the importance of finding the right pace and discover how it can lead to better outcomes, improved mental health, and a more effective work culture. Unravel the advantages of going fast and slow and learn how to strike a balance between agility and thoughtful decision-making.

Going Fast & Slow

In the dynamic world of technology, speed is often synonymous with success. Yet, paradoxically, the most influential leaders also know when to slow down. While the pressures of the tech industry demand speed, authentic CTO leadership recognizes the importance of balance.

Going fast & slow is about being agile and quick when required, yet knowing when to pause, reflect, and take a slower pace. It's about balancing the rush of decision-making and the calm of strategic thinking. It's about knowing when to sprint and when to walk.

The advantages of this style of leadership are plentiful. For starters, it allows for achieving desired outcomes more effectively. In a fast-paced tech environment, decisions often must be made rapidly. But rushing can lead to errors, and errors can lead to calamities. You can avoid such pitfalls by incorporating periods of slow, thoughtful reflection.

The online tech industry is notorious for its high-stress environments, leading to burnout and mental health issues. A balanced fast & slow approach promotes mental health and balance. By consciously slowing down at times, you can create a healthier work culture that values harmony and well-being, as well as for yourself. Downtime is not just a luxury; it's necessary for mental health and professional success.

Going Fast

In the tech industry, there is always a need for speed. The digital fast lane demands rapid responses, swift decision-making, and the relentless pursuit of innovation. With rapid technological advancements and ever-evolving consumer demands, companies need to be agile.

Here's why going fast is important:

Consumer: In today's fast-paced world, the modern consumer is known for their impatience and the need for instant solutions. They expect their needs to be met quickly and efficiently, creating a unique challenge for businesses. To meet the needs of these consumers, companies must have an unwavering commitment to effectively manage and motivate their team members to perform at their best, even under the most intense time pressures.

Competition: In a market where every second counts, being the first to launch a product or feature can be the difference between leading the market or playing catch-up. This is why companies must constantly innovate and stay ahead of their competitors.

Competition can also be a source of motivation and drive for companies to improve their products and services. It forces companies to be more creative, efficient and customer-focused.

Innovation: Speed fosters a culture of innovation by creating room for experimentation and a willingness to take risks. When teams work quickly, they are given more opportunities to test out new ideas and methodologies, which can lead to breakthroughs and game-changing innovations.

Speed allows for faster iteration and refinement, enabling teams to learn from mistakes and produce a more refined and polished final product. Ultimately, prioritizing speed can lead to a more agile and adaptable team capable of quickly pivoting and adapting to changing market conditions and customer needs.

"If you don't innovate fast, disrupt your industry, disrupt yourself, you'll be left behind." - John Chambers

Going Slow

While speed is often valued in business, knowing when to slow down and take a more deliberate approach is also essential. Here are some reasons why taking it slow can be vital:

Strategy: Taking a comprehensive approach to planning for the future is essential, which requires more than just focusing on the present. Taking a slower pace can provide ample opportunity to assess the market and identify emerging trends, which can then be used to inform more effective strategic planning.

When you plan for the future, you can anticipate challenges and opportunities and create a roadmap for success that considers the current state of affairs, the likely future direction of the industry, and the broader economic landscape.

Quality: CTOs should prioritize quality over speed, as delivering a product hastily may result in subpar quality and ultimately harm the company's reputation. It is essential to take the time to thoroughly review and refine the product to ensure its superiority in the market.

This will benefit the company's reputation and increase customer satisfaction, as customers are more likely to return to a company that consistently delivers high-quality products. Therefore, CTOS must allocate ample time and resources toward ensuring their products' quality.

Exploration: Slowing down can allow more creative thinking and experimentation. When we constantly rush and fill up every minute of our day, we don't let ourselves explore new ideas or think outside the box. By making time for slowing down and reflection, we create space for our minds to wander and develop innovative solutions.

Encouraging a culture of exploration and new ideas within an organization can profoundly impact innovation. Employees who feel empowered to try new things and take risks are more likely to develop creative solutions to problems. This can lead to new products, services, or processes that can differentiate an organization from its competitors, ultimately leading to tremendous success.

"Sometimes the slowest way is the fastest way to get where you want to be." - John de Paola

Thinking Slow & Acting Fast

As the CTO, it is essential to balance promptness and careful consideration when responding to requests. It's natural to have a desire to please and quickly say yes to requests, but it's crucial to resist this urge. Instead, take all requests under advisement and give yourself the necessary space to think through all the possibilities before deciding.

Thinking through a decision is always better than committing to something you know you can't deliver. This practice helps you stay calm and encourages resourcefulness and innovation. By considering all the options, you can ensure that you make the best possible decision.

However, once you've decided, it's equally important to act on it quickly. Procrastinating or second-guessing your choice can lead to missed opportunities and lost momentum. The time you've spent thinking and analyzing the decision should give you the confidence to move into execution without hesitation.

Embracing the mantra think-slow & act-fast can help you deliver the best customer results and successfully manage digital strategy concerns. By taking the time to consider all the options and quickly acting on the chosen course of action, you can be confident that you're making the best possible decision for your team and your business.


As CTO, you are responsible for making critical decisions that can impact the success of your business. Your role is to ensure that your company stays ahead of the competition and makes decisions that align with your company's goals and values.

This requires a deep understanding of your company's mission, vision, and culture and the ability to gather and analyze data, evaluate risks and opportunities, and collaborate with other departments.

1. Alignment: As a CTO, it is crucial to understand and align with the goals and values of your company before making any decisions. This ensures that your choices align with the overall vision and mission of the organization and contribute towards its growth and success.

A clear understanding of your company's goals allows you to prioritize your decisions accordingly. You can focus on initiatives that will significantly impact achieving those goals and save time and resources on projects that align with them.

2. Analyze: Before making important decisions as a CTO, gathering and thoroughly analyzing all the necessary data is crucial. This includes quantitative and qualitative data, such as market trends, customer feedback, and employee satisfaction surveys. By taking a data-driven approach, you can make more informed decisions based on facts rather than assumptions.

Analyzing the data also allows you to identify patterns and trends that may take time to be apparent. For example, you may uncover insights about your customers' behavior or preferences that can inform product development or marketing strategies. Analyzing the data can help you anticipate potential challenges or risks, allowing you to address them before they become significant issues proactively.

3. Stakeholders: When making decisions as a CTO, it's essential to consider the impact on stakeholders. This includes employees, customers, and shareholders. By considering their perspectives, you can make more informed decisions that benefit everyone involved.

For example, if you're considering implementing a new software system, you must consider how it will affect your employees. Will they need additional training? Will it change their daily tasks? By addressing these concerns upfront, you can ensure a smoother transition and minimize any negative impact on your team.

4. Collaborate: Collaborating with other departments fosters a culture of teamwork and communication, which can improve overall productivity and employee satisfaction. By breaking down silos and encouraging cross-functional collaboration, we can create a more cohesive and efficient organization.

Working closely with marketing and sales ensures our decisions align with the company's overall strategy and goals. This collaboration also allows us to gather valuable insights and data from different perspectives, leading to better-informed decisions.

5. Evaluate: Consider your decisions' short-term and long-term impacts when evaluating risks and opportunities. This involves analyzing data, identifying potential risks and benefits, and weighing the possible outcomes.

One practical approach uses a decision matrix, which assigns scores to different options based on feasibility, cost, and potential impact. This can help you make more informed decisions and prioritize your actions.

6. Prioritize: When it comes to decision-making, prioritization is critical. You must identify which decisions are most important and require immediate attention. One way to do this is by assessing the impact and urgency of each decision.

Impact refers to the potential consequences of a positive or damaging decision. Urgency, however, refers to how quickly a decision needs to be made. By considering impact and speed, you can prioritize your choices and focus your efforts on where they will have the most significant impact.

7. Communicate: Effective communication is crucial when making decisions as a CTO. It is essential to clearly explain the reasoning behind your choices and how they align with the company's goals and values. This helps build trust and confidence among stakeholders, including employees, customers, and shareholders.

8. Articulate: A concise and straightforward tone is essential when communicating decisions. Avoid using technical jargon or convoluted language that may confuse or alienate your audience. Instead, focus on delivering your message in a way that is easy to understand and digest.

9. Measure: Evaluate your decisions' success and make necessary adjustments. By using data-driven metrics, you can identify which decisions are achieving their intended goals and which are falling short.

There are many different ways to track and measure results, depending on the nature of the decision. For example, if you are launching a new product, you might track sales figures, customer feedback, and website traffic. If you implement a new software system, you might track user adoption rates, error rates, and performance metrics. Whatever the decision, it's essential to establish clear metrics and track them consistently over time.

10. Adapt: Always be open to adjusting and adapting decisions based on feedback and new information. This requires a flexible mindset that is open to change and willing to pivot when necessary.

One way to do this is by regularly seeking feedback from stakeholders and using that feedback to inform your decision-making process. Staying up-to-date on industry trends and emerging technologies can help you make more informed decisions and stay ahead of the competition.

Decision Paralysis

When faced with indecision or an abundance of choices, individuals often experience what is known as decision paralysis. This phenomenon can affect people of all ages and professions and has the potential to hinder progress and lead to missed opportunities.

  1. Failure: One common reason for decision paralysis is the fear of making the wrong choice and facing negative consequences. This fear can immobilize individuals and prevent them from taking any action.

  2. Information__: Another factor that can contribute to decision paralysis is the lack of necessary information. When individuals feel uncertain due to a lack of knowledge or facts, they may struggle to make a decision, resulting in inaction and indecisiveness.

  3. Analysis: Analysis paralysis occurs when individuals overthink a decision and get trapped in a cycle of analyzing and re-analyzing their options. This can be especially problematic when there are limited choices available, as individuals may become overwhelmed and struggle to make a definitive decision.

  4. Opportunity Cost: Inability to make a decision can also result in missed opportunities. When individuals are unable to choose, they may forego potential benefits and regret their inaction.

  5. Productivity: Excessive contemplation over a decision can lead to a delay in taking action, which can ultimately hinder productivity and result in missed deadlines.

  6. Stress: The inability to make a decision can cause individuals to feel overwhelmed and anxious. This heightened stress can manifest in various ways, such as disrupted sleep, physical symptoms like headaches or stomachaches, and strained relationships with others.

Set deadlines. This can help you avoid getting stuck in analysis paralysis and make quicker decisions. When setting a deadline, it's essential to be realistic and give yourself enough time to gather information and consider your options, but not so much time that you get bogged down in indecision. Break down decisions into smaller steps. This can make the decision feel less overwhelming and more manageable.

Seeking advice from others can be a helpful way to overcome decision paralysis. Discussing your options with someone else can provide a fresh perspective and help you see things differently. Just be sure to seek advice from someone you trust who has experience in the area you're deciding about.

Learning From Mistakes

As a CTO, it is crucial to understand that making mistakes is inevitable, and it is possible to turn them into opportunities for growth and development. To achieve this, you need to analyze and understand your past mistakes to identify areas where you need to improve, make necessary changes, and avoid making the same errors in the future.

Having a growth mindset when it comes to mistakes is essential. Instead of focusing on the negative, embrace the opportunity to learn from it. For example, when facing an error, ask yourself what you can learn from it and how you can grow from the experience.

Leadership is a challenging and lonely position. However, admitting mistakes and learning from them can help you gain the respect and trust of your team. It is important not to let your ego prevent you from acknowledging errors and making necessary changes. Instead, use the experience to develop resilience, adaptability, innovation, and collaboration.

You can become a better leader by viewing mistakes as opportunities for growth and development. Remember to approach mistakes with a growth mindset, learn from them, and use them as stepping stones to becoming your best CTO. Finally, always remember that mistakes are a natural part of growth, and everyone makes them. What sets you apart is how you respond to them and what you learn from them.

Down Time

Downtime, also known as rest or relaxation, is a crucial and often underestimated aspect of brain science. It plays a significant role in enhancing our cognitive abilities and fostering creativity. Numerous brain studies have demonstrated that taking regular breaks from work is essential for higher-order mental processes, including abstraction, cognitive flexibility, and generating innovative ideas.

When we allow our brains to rest and recharge, we will enable them to consolidate information, make new connections, and think more deeply. This leads to improved thinking ability and the ability to develop novel and practical solutions to complex problems.

As a leader, recognize and prioritize the value of downtime for yourself and your team. By finding the right balance between periods of intense focus and productivity and moments of relaxation and reflection, you can optimize your brain's performance and unlock tremendous potential for success in your work. Embracing and encouraging regular downtime can increase productivity, enhance creativity, and improve the overall well-being of you and your team.



The importance of striking the right balance between speed and reflection in tech leadership. By adopting a "think slow, act fast" approach, you can make thoughtful decisions while keeping up with the demands of the industry. Prioritizing quality over speed is essential to ensuring customer satisfaction and delivering superior products.

By taking a comprehensive approach to planning for the future, including identifying emerging trends and conducting effective strategic planning, you can steer your organization toward success.

Fostering a culture of exploration and innovation within the organization is vital for driving breakthroughs. Encouraging employees to think outside the box and take risks can lead to exciting new ideas and solutions. Recognizing the value of downtime is equally important, as it allows for mental recharge, creativity, and improved problem-solving abilities.

Learning from mistakes and using them as opportunities for growth is a hallmark of effective leadership. Embracing challenges and demonstrating resilience in adversity inspires continuous growth and development. By embodying courage and adaptability, you can confidently navigate the fast-paced tech industry and inspire your teams to do the same.


As a CTO ask yourself the following:

  1. How can you strike the right balance between speed and reflection in their leadership style?

  2. What strategies can you implement to prioritize quality over speed in product development?

  3. How can you foster a culture of exploration and innovation within their organization?


Your takeaways from this chapter:

  1. The importance of balancing speed and reflection in leadership, embracing a "think slow, act fast"-approach

  2. We prioritize quality over speed to ensure customer satisfaction and deliver superior products.

  3. Taking a comprehensive approach to planning for the future, including identifying emerging trends and conducting effective strategic planning.

  4. We encourage a culture of exploration and new ideas to drive innovation and foster breakthroughs.

  5. They recognize downtime's value for mental recharge, creativity, and problem-solving abilities.

  6. She is learning from mistakes and using them as opportunities for personal and professional growth.

  7. It is open to adapting decisions based on feedback and new information to demonstrate flexibility and openness to change.

  8. I seek advice from trusted sources to gain fresh perspectives and make more informed decisions.

  9. Effective communication builds trust and alignment with stakeholders.

  10. I embody courage and resilience in navigating the fast-paced tech industry, embracing challenges, and inspiring continuous growth.

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